Ändringar av KSR42 av klassregler

Senast uppdaterat 2024-05-22

Denna sida1 summerar förändringar av KSR42 eller KSR Appendix P som orsakas av klassregler. För varje båtklass finner du en länk till varifrån dokumentet med klassregler erhölls (vanligen World Sailing), samt vilken version av klassreglerna som använts.

Not: Alla ändringar nedan anges i original på engelska.

Klasser utan ändringar


Källa | Version 2024-02-12

ILCA (Laser)

Källa | Version 2023-02-13


Källa | Version 2024-01-01


Källa | Version 2024-06-01


Källa | Version 2024-01-23

RS Feva

Källa | Version 2019-07-08

RS Tera

Källa | Version 2014-10-01

Klasser med ändringar


Källa | Version 2024-02-07

Klassregel C.1.1 (a) gäller.

C.1.1 (a)
If the wind is consistently 10 knots or above, measured at deck level, the Race Committee may signal in accordance with RRS Appendix P5 that “pumping, rocking an ooching” are permitted. This changes RRS 42.2(a), RRS 42.2(b) and RRS 42.2(c).


Källa | Version 2024-02-15

Klassregel C.1.1 (a) gäller.

C.1.1 (a)
RRS 42 shall apply as amended below:
RRS 42.3 is changed as follows
j. A boat may be sculled if the sculling does not propel the boat in any direction.


Källa | Version 2024-02-15

Klassregel C.1.1 (a) gäller.

C.1.1 (a)
RRS 42 shall apply as amended below:
RRS 42.3 is changed as follows
j. A boat may be sculled if the sculling does not propel the boat in any direction.


Källa | Version 2024-02-12

Klassregel C.1.1 (a) (1) gäller.

C.1.1 (a)(1)
If the average wind speed is clearly over 10 knots across the course the race committee may signal in accordance with RRS Appendix P5 that pumping, rocking and ooching are permitted. This changes rules RRS 42.2(a), RRS 42.2(b), RRS 42.2(c).

E-Jolle / Europe

Källa | Version 2015-12-01

Klassregel 4.2 gäller.

4.2 (a)
The Race Committee may permit pumping, rocking and ooching, after the starting signal and except on a beat to windward (change of RRS 42.2(a), RRS 42.2(b), RRS 42.2(c)). The signals will be made according to RRS P5.

4.2 (b)
The Europe Class recommends that race committees apply Rule 4.2(a) in winds of 12 knots and above, measured at deck level.


Källa | Version 2023-02-21

Klassregels C.1.1 (1) and C.1.1 (2) gäller.

C.1.1 (1)
RRS 42.3 is changed by adding: The Race Committee may signal in accordance with RRS Appendix P5 that pumping, rocking and ooching are permitted after the starting signal, except when the boat’s proper course is close-hauled or above. This changes rules 42.2(a), 42.2(b) and 42.2(c).

C.1.1 (2)
The Finn Class recommends that race committees apply Rule C.1.1 (1) in winds of 10 knots and above, measured at deck level on a race committee boat at the windward mark. See also A.6.2.

The Notice of Race or Sailing Instructions may state a higher recommended windspeed of 12 kts for rule C.1.1(2).


Källa | Version 2024-01-16

Klassregel C.1.1 (b) gäller.

C.1.1 (b)
RRS 42.3(c) is modified to read “When surfing (rapidly accelerating down the front of a wave) or planing is possible, the main and jib may be pulled in only once for each wave or gust of wind, but the gennaker sheet may be played without restriction.”


Källa | Version 2017-05-01

Klassregels 12.1 gäller.

RRS 42.3(c) is amended to read:
When surfing (rapidly accelerating down a wave), foiling (sailing with the hull clear of the water due to the effect of hydrofoils) or planing is possible, the boat’s crew may pump the sail in order to initiate surfing, foiling or planing, but only twice for each wave or gust of wind or twice just after having completed a tack or a gybe. Rapid and/or repetitive body movements that exert force upon the hull for the specific purpose of promoting foiling or pumping of the sail are prohibited

OK Jolle

Källa | Version 2024-06-01

Klassregel C.1.1 gäller.

Add to Rule 42.3 (c):
(1) this shall be done with the mainsheet turning through at least three blocks between the boom and the crew, such that the system creates a minimum purchase of three to one. The final block shall be securely fastened in the cockpit area.

RS Aero

Källa | Version 2024-05-13

Klassregel C.1.1 (c) gäller.

C.1.1 (c)
RRS 42.2 is changed by adding: “Where stipulated in the SI, if the average wind speed is clearly over 10 knots across the course the race committee may signal in accordance with RRS Appendix P5 that pumping, rocking and ooching are permitted, except (i) prior to the start, and (ii) when the boat is on a leg of the course designated in the SI as a windward leg.” this changes RRS 42.2(a), RRS 42.2(b), RRS 42.2(c).


Källa | Version 2015-05-08

Klassregel C.1 gäller.

In alteration to RRS 42:

  1. The race committee may permit pumping, rocking and ooching, after the starting signal and except on a beat to windward (change of RRS 42.2(a), RRS 42.2(b), RRS 42.2(c)). The signals will be made according to RRS P5.
  2. The International Zoom8 Class Association recommends that race committees apply Rule C.1.(1) in winds of 12 knots and above, measured at deck level.

Förändringar i detta dokument

  • 2022-09-23
    • Första version
  • 2023-04-04
    • Följande klasser har nya klassregler men inga förändringar som påverkar KSR42
      • 2022-11-15 / 2.4mR
      • 2023-01-01 / 470
      • 2023-01-01 / ILCA
      • 2023-01-01 / Finn
      • 2023-03-20 / Optimist
  • 2023-05-16
    • Följande klasser har nya klassregler men inga förändringar som påverkar KSR42
      • 2023-05-05 / iQFOiL
      • 2023-05-05 / 49er
      • 2023-05-05 / 49erFX
  • 2023-08-15
    • Följande klasser har nya klassregler men inga förändringar som påverkar KSR42
      • 2023-07-18 / 29er
      • 2023-06-15 / 470
      • 2023-06-01 / J70
      • 2023-06-19 / OK Jolle
      • 2023-06-27 / RS Aero
  • 2024-05-22
    • Följande klasser har nya klassregler men inga förändringar som påverkar KSR42
      • 2024-02-12 / 2.4mR
      • 2024-02-07 / 29er
      • 2024-02-15 / 49er
      • 2024-02-15 / 49erFX
      • 2024-02-12 / 470
      • 2024-06-01 / E-Jolle
      • 2024-01-01 / iQFOiL
      • 2024-01-16 / J70
      • 2024-06-01 / J80
      • 2024-06-01 / OK Jolle
      • 2024-01-23 / Optimist
      • 2024-05-13 / RS Aero

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